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时间:2024-08-17 13:43:59


【专家解说】:矫直机是对金属棒材、管材、线材等进行矫直的设备。矫直机通过矫直辊对棒材等进行挤压使其改变直线度。一般有两排矫直辊,数量不等。也有两辊矫直机,依靠两辊(中间内凹,双曲线辊)的角度变化对不同直径的材料进行矫直。主要类型有压力矫直机、平衡滚矫直机、鞋滚矫直机、旋转反弯矫直机等等。 这种矫直机的矫直过程是:辊子的位置与被矫直制品运动方向成某种角度,两个或三个大的是主动压力辊,由电动机带动作同方向旋转,另一边的若干个小辊是从动的压力辊,它们是靠着旋转着的圆棒或管材摩擦力使之旋转的。为了达到辊子对制品所要求的压缩,这些小辊可以同时或分别向前或向后调整位置,一般辊子的数目越多,矫直后制品精度越高。制品被辊子咬入之后,不断地作直线或旋转运动,因而使制品承受各方面的压缩、弯曲、压扁等变形,最后达到矫直的目的。 矫直技术属于金属加工学科的一个分支,已经广泛应用于日用金属加工业,仪器仪表制造业,汽车、船舶和飞机制造业,石油化工业,冶金工业,建筑材料业,机械装备制造业,以及精密加工制造业。矫直技术在广度和深度方面的巨大发展迫切要求矫直理论能进一步解决一些疑难问题,推动开发新技术和研制新设备。尤其在党的十六大之后,要求用信息化带动工业化,矫直技术也要跟上时代。首先要在矫直机设计、制造、矫直过程分析、矫直参数设定及矫直质量预测等方面搞好软件开发;其次要进行数字化矫直设备的研制,使矫直技术走上现代化的道路,不断丰富金属矫直学的内容。 矫直技术多用于金属条材加工的后部工序,在很大程度上决定着产成品的质量水平。矫直技术同其他金属加工技术一样在20世纪取得了长足的进展,相应的矫直理论也取得了很大的进步。不过理论滞后于实践的现象比较明显。例如矫直辊负转矩的破坏作用在20世纪下半叶才得以解决,但其破坏作用的机理直到20世纪80年代末才被阐明。另外,就矫直理论的总体来看,仍然处于粗糙阶段,首先就是其基本参数的确定还要依靠许多经验算法和经验数据,如辊数、辊距、辊径、压弯量及矫直速度等;其次是许多技术现象如螺旋弯废品、矫直缩尺、矫直噪声、斜辊矫直特性、斜辊辊形特性、拉弯变形匹配特性等都缺乏理论阐述;再次是理论的概括性不够,一套公式不仅不能包括各种断面型材,甚至不能包括同类断面而尺寸和材质不同的工件,如弯距和矫直曲率等都缺少通用表达式。 此外本设计在许多细小之处也力求贴近实际,进行各种最大量的计算时要用实际可能达到的值代替实际答不到的理论极限值。应用技术的理论在于实践的可行与否,实用化是本设计的根本。 Straightening machine is a metal bar, pipe, wire, and other equipment for straightening. Straightening roller straightening machine through the bars of pressure for them to change, such as straightness. There are two rows of straightening roller, the number of ranges. There are also two roller straightening machine, relying on two rollers (Concave Intermediate, hyperbolic roll) the perspective of the different changes in the diameter of the material straightening. Type of straightening of the main pressure, balance roller straightening machine, shoes roller straightening machine, anti-rotation bending leveler and so on. This process of straightening straightening machine is: the location of the roller straightening products and the direction of the movement as a point of view, two or three of the initiative is a pressure roller, driven by the motor for rotating in the same direction, on the other side of a number of A small roller was driven roller pressure, they are relying on a rotation of the rod or pipe so that the friction of the rotation. In order to achieve roller on the products required by the compression of these small roller at the same time or separately adjustments backward or forward position, in general the number of roller more after straightening products, the higher accuracy. Products have been biting into the roller, continue to make a straight line or rotary movement, making products to bear all aspects of compression, bending, squash, such as deformation, to reach the final straightening. Foreword the technology belongs to the metal working discipline abranch, already widely applied to the everyday use metal workingindustry, instrument measuring appliance manufacturing industry,automobile, ships and airplane manufacturing industry, petroleumindustry, metallurgical industry, building material industry,machinery equipment manufacturing industry, as well as preciseprocessing manufacturing industry.The technology can furthersolve some hard problems in the breadth and the depth aspect hugedevelopment urgent need theory, impels to develop the newtechnology and to develop the new equipment. 16 is especially bigafter the party, requests with the information impetusindustrialization, the technology also needs to follow thetime. First must in the straightening machine design, the manufacture, the process analysis, the parameter hypothesis and the quality forecast and so on the aspect does well thesoftware development; It secondary carries on the digitized equipment the development, causes the technology to step ontomodernized the path, unceasingly rich metal study content. The technology has equally made theconsiderable progress with other metal working technologies in 20thcentury, the corresponding heory has also made the very bigprogress. But the theory lag quite is obvious to the practicephenomenon. For example the negative torque destructiveeffect only then can solve in 20th century next half, but itsdestructive effect mechanism was only then expounded until the the endof 1980s. Moreover, the theory overall looked that, still wasat the rough stage, first was its basic parameter determination alsomust depend upon many experiences algorithms and the empirical data, roller distance, roller diameter, Next is many technical phenomenalike spiral curved waste product, the noise, theslanting roller characteristic, the slanting roller rollershape characteristic, the distortion match characteristic andso on all lacks the theory elaboration; Is once more the theoryconcise quality is insufficient, set of formulas not only cannotinclude each kind of cross section molding, even cannot include thesimilar cross section but the size and the material quality differentwork piece, like the curved distance and so on all lacks the generalexpression with the curvature. In addition this design in many tiny place also makes every effort todraw close to the reality, carries on when each kind of most massivecomputations must feasible use which to achieve the value replacesactual does not answer the theory limit value. The applicationtechnology theory lies in the practice to be feasible or not, thepractical application is this design basis. Key: hugedevelopment theoryconcise massivecomputations phenomenalike