时间:2024-08-17 13:19:11
请问这题目,摘要,关键词,怎么翻译成英文?谢谢!!【专家解说】:Brief analysis our country rural finance service system pr
【专家解说】:Brief analysis our country rural finance service system presentsituation, question and countermeasure [ Abstract ] the finance is the modern economy core, theagriculture is our country foundation industry, if continues tocontinue the finance for a long time to agricultural industryignoring, then, the financial key role with difficulty completelymanifests, the agricultural development also can continue to receivethe fund short restriction, is unable to display the national economyfoundation industry the function. Therefore, the perfect rural financesystem, strengthens the rural finance service, practically solves thefinance the question which the support is insufficient to "threeagriculture", has been imminent. Party's 16 sessions of five CCPplenary conferences proposed the construction socialism newcountryside significant proposition, it embarks from the socialismmodernization overall situation, further has been clear about thesolution "three agriculture" the question is the entire party workheavy center is heavy, regarding the instruction current financereform, the development and the steady work has the extremely vitalsignificance. In under the construction socialism new countrysidestrategic request, the present rural finance system needs positivelyto carry on the transformation and the innovation, thus forms theperfect new rural finance system as soon as possible, to this meetsthe rural finance need which grows day by day. Therefore, this articlethorough analysis our country rural finance service system presentsituation and the question, proposed the establishment relativecompetitive rural finance service system, strengthens measure and soon national policy fund investment. Constructs the promotion throughthe financial service system "the countryside, the farmer, theagriculture" in question the and so on finance solution. [ Key word ] "Countryside, farmer, agriculture" question, countrysideservice finance system, financial countermeasure
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