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时间:2024-08-17 10:30:46

高分求石油专业英语翻译(在线等,可追加)【专家解说】:Experience in operating Worlds first Subsea Separation and Wate

【专家解说】:Experience in operating World's first Subsea Separation and Water Injection Station at Troll Oil Field in the North Sea 北海钻井平台世界首创海底油气分离与注水站运营经验 摘要 In May 2000 Norsk Hydro reported, by means of an OTC paper, that Troll Pilot would be 2000年五月挪威海德鲁公司宣布,基于OTC(联合国技术合作处)的一篇论文,钻井操 ready for start-up in June of that year. The Pilot was indeed started at that time. However, 作设备在当年六月可投入使用。该设备也确实是那个时间启动的。然而在该项目启动后不久, failures in the electrical connector system developed in the subsea installation shortly 其电气连接系统中的缺陷在海底安装过程中逐渐显现了出来。 after start-up. This triggered the Repair and Upgrade Project which involved several 这也引发了2001年夏季的修缮及升级工程,该工程涉及钻井操作设备海底 interventions on the Troll Pilot subsea station during the summer of 2001. These repair 基站的多个中断操作。2002年OTC的一篇论文论述了这些修缮工作,该工作的重心放在 activities, which focused on subject electrical interfaces and corresponding marine 了非独立电气接口及相应海上运作部分。 operations, were presented by an OTC paper in 2002. Following the repair operations, Troll-Pilot was started in August of that year and it has 修缮完成后,钻井操作设备随即在当年八月启用,从2001年八月起到今无故障连续运行。 now been in continuous operation, reporting 100% availability, since August 2001. This paper will focus on presenting experience in operating the separator station and 本论文侧重于油气分离站的运营经验并将此与既定的运行及设计思路相结合。 relate this to the defined operational and design strategies. Issues to be covered as a 海底油气分离产生的当作副产品的流出物也将在《流动保障》中有所涉及,而且进入 spin-off from subsea separation are implications on flow assurance and variance in the 分离系统的油井液体也千差万别。 well fluid entering the separator system. The paper will also cover risk of installing a subsea separator system and relating this to 本论文同样将阐述安装海底分离系统的风险,而且将此与该站的常规经验相结合,就该站使 the regularity experience of the station, giving feedback on main components used on the 用的主要零件作出评价。 station. The Troll Pilot Separator Station is installed on the Troll Field at 340 m WD approx 3,5 km 钻井操作设备分离站安装在钻井区340米宽的地方,距C级钻井生产平台大约3.5千 from the Troll-C Production platform. This province of the Troll field will be developed with 米。钻井区这一大块地方将会发展出至少50口海底油井。 more than 50 subsea wells. Troll-Pilot is installed in a production loop system with two 钻井操作设备安置在总容量为8个井的两个生产模块的生产环状系统中。 production templates giving a total capacity of 8 well-slots. At the moment 6 wells 6口井的安装工作一结束即可安装分离站。 has been completed and hence available for the separator station. OTC不太清楚是什么意思,网上查到就是那个技术合作处还靠点边; Troll-C也不太清楚,我正文用的是C级钻井,也可能是C号钻井。 WD我理解为wide的意思。 你自己再从专业角度考虑吧。