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时间:2024-08-17 10:59:17


【专家解说】:进入二十一世纪,人类面临着实现经济和社会可持续发展的重大挑战,而与之密切相关的能源问题也日益严重。一方面是常规能源的匮乏,另一方面石油等常规能源的开发带来一系列的问题。人类需要解决能源问题,实现可持续发展只能依靠科技进步,大规模开发利用可再生能源和新能源。而太阳能和风能被看做是最具有代表性的新能源和可再生能源,作为这两种能源的高级利用太阳能发电和风力发电技术受到世界各国的高度重视。 本论文以太阳能和风能的混合系统为研究对象,通过对其系统组件的选型和设计,以达到其对负载的连续、稳定供电的目的。为此,首先对太阳能和风能及其发电的概况进行了简单的综述。其次对太阳能和风能混合系统进行了简单的介绍,并分别对混合系统的组成部件进行选型和设计。最后对混合系统出现的干扰问题进行分析和解决。 研究的结果表明太阳能和风能混合系统,在发电互补的同时,还提高了系统的可靠性、稳定性,同时通过微型计算机的远程控制减少太阳能和风能混合系统对人工维护的依赖有一定的实际意义。 太阳能;风能;太阳能和风能混合系统 翻译:Enter the twenty-first Century, mankind is faced with to achieve economic and social sustainable development of major challenges, but closely related to the energy problem is more and more serious. One is the conventional energy shortage, on the other hand, oil and other conventional energy development brings a series of problems. Humans need to solve the energy problem, achieve sustainable development must rely on progress of science and technology, large-scale development and utilization of renewable energy and new energy. Solar energy and wind energy is considered to be the most representative of the new energy and renewable energy, as the two energy advanced use of solar and wind power generation technology by world attention. In this paper, wind and solar hybrid system as the research object, through to the components of the system selection and design, in order to reach its to the load, the purpose of continuous and stable power supply. Therefore, the solar energy and wind energy and power profiles were reviewed. The wind and solar hybrid system were introduced, and the hybrid system components selection and design. At the end of the hybrid system the interference problem analysis and solving. The results show that the solar and wind hybrid system, the power complementary at the same time, also improves the system reliability, stability, at the same time by microcomputer remote control to reduce the wind and solar hybrid system of artificial maintenance of dependence has certain practical significance. Solar energy; wind energy; wind and solar hybrid system