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英文语法问题:In the week of the Dickens bicentennial, Alice Jenkins explores the literary ...

时间:2024-08-17 10:33:36

英文语法问题:In the week of the Dickens bicentennial, Alice Jenkins explores the literary ...【专家

【专家解说】:In the week of the Dickens bicentennial, Alice Jenkins explores the literary giant’s conflicted take on science. 答:这是文章的副标题。这里的take应为名词。这个take很不好译,下面词典中的例子好象没有一个适合的。 句法分析: 状语:In the week of the Dickens bicentennial, 主语:Alice Jenkins 谓语:explores 宾语:take 作名词,表示“引用,取用” 定语1.the literary giant’s conflicted 定语2. on science take n.(名词) 1.The act or process of taking. 取的行为或过程 2.That which is taken. 取得之物 3.A quantity collected at one time, especially the amount of profit or receipts taken on a business arrangement or venture. 一次清算的数量:一次所收集的数量,尤指在一次商业活动或商业投机中所得到的利润或收益的数量 4.The number of fish, game birds, or other animals killed or captured at one time. 一次所猎杀或捕获的鱼、鸟或其它动物的数目 5.Sports The amount of money collected as admission to a sporting event; the gate. 【体育运动】 门票收入:作为观看一场体育比赛的入场费所收集到的钱;门票 6.The uninterrupted running of a movie or television camera or a set of recording equipment in filming a movie or television program or cutting a record. 未停机的拍摄:在拍摄一部电影或电视节目或剪辑一段录音时,电影或电视摄像机或一套录音设备不停顿的拍摄或录制 7.A scene filmed or televised without interrupting the run of the camera. 一个镜头:没有让摄影机中途停拍而成的一段电影或电视场景 8.A recording made in a single session. 一次性录制成的录音 9.A physical reaction, such as a rash, indicating a successful vaccination. 发痘:一种表明成功注射疫苗的身体反应,如出疹子 10.A successful graft. 一次成功的嫁接 11.Slang An attempt or a try: 【俚语】 企图,尝试:He got the answer on the third take.在第三次应答时他答对了