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【摘要】:能源是人们生活发展的一项基本要求,可是在发展中国家还是有过半农村人口没有电用,也没有其他现代化的商业能源。 一些国家的人口增长,城市化进程,和工业化进程已经增加了对能源的需用量,而在过去的几十年中这些需用量大都是用石油煤碳来提供的,它们的燃烧不仅对环境有危害,影响人们的健康,还增加温室效应.,导致全球变暖。 根据最近关于全球变暖的项目,地球正在以比曾预想的速度快得多的速度变暖,科学界预料地球的平均表面气温将在未来的100年因为人类对石油的使用和对森林的砍伐而升高2.5到10.4华氏度,这一气温的升高加剧地球已经升高的一度的情况。 这篇文章的主旨在于给可持续性太阳能发展能源,利用下一个系统而科学的概念,并相信对这一能源的利用有利于对生物环境的塑造,并且对建筑也有积极影响,它还将试着就它的实施如何在加纳提高住房量,并为整体环境和人们提供更舒适和谐的环境给于一定关注。 这门学科有效解决了全球变暖的问题,并对环境无污染对人体无害,在加纳已经致力于太阳能的应用,并以此提高建筑产品品质,为人民提供和谐舒适的居住环境,此学科已初步应用在加纳,上海,北京,英国,美国,德国,澳大利亚等一些发达及发展中国家。 以下为关于太阳能和风能的一些发现在工程应用中,可将所有收集的包罗万象的太阳能源及风能源数据进行编译,包括直接数据,散播数据,全球数据还有纬度倾角以半径10公里的卫星数据.Mr.Out-Danquah说,加纳和全球太阳资源放射量都很高,以一般纬度倾角放射范围计算,可达到每天每米4.5~6.5千瓦相当于全球放射。 如果将所有的太阳能技术都应用于全球辐射产生能量的话,就能提供全国各地全年所需的光电能和热水器用的能量。 关于每月平均风速,Mr.Out-Danquah解释到,在北部区域的PUTEsiet测量全年风速可达5m/s以上,而加纳阿克拉区域的Ada基地市的市区及郊区一年中八个月的风速就超过5m/s。在Lolonya的Ada-Battor路测得一年中的九个月的平均风速也大于5m/s。Mr.Out-Danquah还补充到,以上三个基地每天风速超过5m/s竟有10~16小时。 太阳能与风能资源估价的主要任务Mr.Otu-Danquah在工程中太阳能与风能资源估价有助于全方位评定可持续能量发展的潜力及建立可靠数据信息,并为能量规划师和工程建设方面提供所需的信息,如地域性的,全国的太阳能和风能分布图。它还能建立一个地理信息系统。 研究范围: 此次研究是综合考虑了以下特殊因素进行评定:大气控制主要作用,城市热量造成的日益加剧的温室效应和全球变暖问题,室内空气污染问题,太阳光电利用,风能技术,能量设计原理以及其在发展国家应用优势。 它有益于保护环境,从而解决上述提到的问题,包括降低温室效应,环境退化,自然损耗,减少二氧化碳散发等,另外,在加纳的医院及部分房屋和农村还可用太阳能屋顶汲取能量用于屋顶锅炉,而取代原来的木柴燃料。 政府,当地机关,能量及其他方面的专家都鼓励并努力尝试可行性研究的工作,赞助,技术问题,计划编制,环境估价及公众参与。 对于主要赞助商,政府支持的团体计划及主要的光电项目需要有计划进行并得团体项目或是个人的支持。 这套可持续能源系统的完成需要最佳综合政策支持,因此需要最大程度的公众教育参与及可持续能源系统广泛执行,另外在加纳帮助鼓励某些地方团体发展利用可持续能源也极为重要。 另一方面,医院和住房也可结合太阳能屋顶做锅炉而代替木材燃料,每个人都能为促进加纳使用可持续能源出一份力。 员工的制造水平也是发展可持续能源的一个重要因素,另一个主要方面是它将会给相关团体带来丰厚的收入来源。 另外,光电技术的利用较其他能源利用对社会及环境更有优势 更多鼓励促进太阳能技术应用的建议将会在加纳进行论证及探究。 加纳的太阳能及风能市场有必要与当今国际上的研究发展相接轨,由于日后需求量的扩大,它将成为一个有竞争力的行业,金融家,厂商及供应商做个长期规划使价格下调。 政府还可以通过(ⅰ)增减税额,(ⅱ)奖励制度,(ⅲ)法律义务,(ⅳ)改变计划规则,(ⅴ)改变建筑及制造规范,(ⅶ)运输政策,(ⅵ)法定环境适应可持续能源的应用原理等适当的控制市场 政府可以赞助并与工业合作研究发觉市场潜力。等到政府操作应用成熟后,太阳能供电还可被利用在给医院,商务大厦及住房供电方面,将会非常有价值。 教育和可持续能源应用都应实现全民化参与,这种能源系统的发展使各部门共同合作并提供他们优先选择的机会:发展商业更需注重环境建设,且适合加纳发展各种地方团体的需求。 它有助于人们设计发展可持续能源,并使其满足地方要求,从而获利,还有助于人们工程中关于可持续能源的利用。 因此还需要建立国际互联网,用于促进加纳的太阳能系统发展,配合相关工作,另外还可在小学初中,工艺学校,大学等各式团体设立能量环境交流俱乐部,集思广益促进太阳能发展。 太阳能在新项目的应用将带来教育研究机会,当地就业机会以及前述环境上的优势,如减少温室效应,环境退化,自然资源浪费等。 另外,这篇文章还将再次寻求那些在各方面经济上能接受这一在建筑设计建造时使用太阳能控制原理的建筑师,工程师,城市规划者和管理者 本文还努力提供各种新近实用的信息,关于促进建筑设计的能源高效利用,使之价格合理,健康无害,提供一个持久耐用的建筑物工作环境,以此来维持及提高我们亲爱的祖国加纳的人民生活环境。 另外,这篇文章还将再次寻求那些在各方面经济上能接受这一在建筑设计建造时使用太阳能控制原理的建筑师,工程师,城市规划者和管理者。它还尝试提出一些有关在建筑设计和使用上有效利用能源的新兴有用的资料,它们将大幅度提高可负担性,健康性和持久性,以此来维持或者提高我们亲爱的祖国加纳的人民生活环境。 【关键词】:太阳能 高效能源建筑 石油的可持续性 生物环境.绿色 建筑 太阳能电池 被动太阳能设计 可更新温室
  • Dedication15-16
  • Abstract(English Version)16-19
  • Abstract(Chinese Version)19-24
  • Preface24-30
  • Acknowledgement(English & Chinese)30-32
  • 致谢32-33
  • about the Author33-36
  • Historical Background of Development of Solar and Wind Energy.36-52
  • Translated(English & Chinese Versions)Introduction & Problem Content:(Translated Chinese Versions)52-61
  • CHAPTER:161-88
  • 1.0.0 Introduction介绍61-62
  • 1.2.0 The problem content62
  • 1.2.1 Public Health and Household Energy62-65
  • 1.2.2 Burden of diseese65-66
  • 1.2.3 The problem of indoor air pollution66-67
  • 1.2.4 Health impacts67
  • 1.2.5 Objectives, Goal And Significance Of67-68
  • 1.2.6 Basic Meaning And Keys For Achieving Sustainability Case Study-From The United Kingdom68-69
  • 1.3.0 The State Of Sustainable Energy Demand in Ghana69-73
  • 1.3.1 The State Of Sustainable Energy Demand in China(China Medium And Long Term Energy Conservation Plan)73-74
  • 1.3.2 Enegry Utilization In China-The Current Situation74-81
  • 1.3.3 Energy Flowchart In United Kingdom(Reference).81-83
  • 1.4.0 Urban And Physical Systems Of Cities83-85
  • 1.4.1 Subaysteme Of The Physical Systems85-86
  • 1.4.2 The Three Perspectives On Energy.86
  • 1.4.3 A Socio-Cultural Perspective86-87
  • 1.4.4 importance of Energy Conservation87-88
  • CHAPTER:288-111
  • 2.0.0 The Essential Role of the Atmospheric Control88
  • 2.1.0 Global Warming and its causes88-89
  • 2.2.0 Urban Heat Island Effects89
  • 2.2.1 Why Should Cities and Counties Care about Urban Heat Islands?89-90
  • 2.2.2 Global Warming:90
  • 2.2.3. Causes Of Urban Heat Islands90-94
  • High Temperatures91-92
  • Human Activity Increasing Heat Island Temperatures.92
  • Effects of Wind And Clouds On Heat Island Formation.92-93
  • Influences Of Geographical Location And Climate93
  • Seasons change heat islands93-94
  • Human activity increasing heat island temperatures94
  • 2.2.4 How do heat islands impact cities?94
  • 2.2.5 Impact Of Heat islands On human94-95
  • 2.3.0 Reference Case Study-United States95-96
  • 2.3.1 Problems with the "Heat Island Effect96-97
  • Air Quality96-97
  • 2.3.4 Energy Use97
  • 2.3.5 High Temperatures97-98
  • 2.3.6 Effect Of Urban heat islands On Global Climate98-99
  • 2.4.0 Climate: The Green House Effect99
  • 2.4.1 What Are Greenhouse Gases?99
  • 2.4.2 Sources of Greenhouse Gases99-101
  • 2.4.4 Why are greenhouse gas concentrations increasing?101
  • 2.4.5 The Changing Climatic Details101-102
  • 2.4.6 Living with Uncertainty102
  • 2.5.0 Emissions102-103
  • 2.5.1 The '2030 Crunch'103-104
  • 2.5.2 Impacts Of Rising Global Temperatures104-105
  • 2.6.0 Energy For Rural Development In Africa105
  • 2.6.1 Current Reference Case Study: United Nations Project Finds Thousands Of Megawatts of Solar, Wind Energy Potential In 13 Developing Countries105-107
  • 2.6.2 The importance Of Energy107-108
  • 2.6.3 Brown versus Green Energy Supply108
  • 2.6.4 Reasons for Energy Consumption108-109
  • 2.6.5 Control of Heating and Cooling Systems109-110
  • 2.6.6 Energy Distribution Energy110
  • 2.6.7 Hours of Operation110-111
  • CHAPTER:3111-117
  • 3.0.0 What is Renewable (Green) Energy?111-112
  • 3.1.0 Renewable Energy112
  • 3.1.1 Ethical, scientific and technological considerations112-113
  • 3.1.2 Renewable Technologies113
  • 3.1.3 Renewables are not new113
  • 3.1.4 Why is Renewable Energy important113-114
  • 3.1.5 Renewing Sustainable Development114-115
  • 3.1.6 Environmental Benefits:115-116
  • 3.1.7 Energy for our Children's children116
  • 3.1.8 Benefits:Jobs and the Economy.116-117
  • CHAPTER:4117-129
  • 4.0.0 Meaning Of Solar Architecture-Passive Cooling117-118
  • 4.1.0 The Basic Concept of Solar Energy118-119
  • 4.2.1 Summer Comfort In A Hot Dry Climate-Use Of Courtyard119-120
  • 4.3.0 What are Photovoltaics?120-121
  • 4.3.1 Photovoltaic cells and modules121-122
  • 4.3.2 Sizing a PV System122-123
  • 4.3.3 Cost of PV System:123-124
  • 4.3.4 Solar heating124
  • 4.3.5 Solar electricity124-126
  • Photovoltaic cells history124-125
  • Space Heating125
  • Domestic Hot Water125-126
  • 4.3.6 Photovoltaic Cells History126-127
  • 4.3.7. Photovoltaics in Horthern Climates127-128
  • 4.3.8 Photovoitaics in Developing Countries128
  • 4.3.9 Energy for people living far from the grid128-129
  • CHAPTER:5129-163
  • 5.0.0 CASE STUDY 1-CHINA129
  • 5.1.0 China's Position On Renewable Energy129-130
  • 5.1.1 China's Position On Renewable Energy (Chinese Translated Version)130-131
  • 5.2.0. Shanghai Ecologically-Safe Demonstrational Building Synopsis131-141
  • 5.2.1 Brief History Of Research On Application Of Solar Energy In Potential Cities In China.141-142
  • 5.2.2 Climates of Beijing and Shanghai142-146
  • 5.2.3 Comfort Zones and Building Bio-Climatic Charts146-147
  • 5.2.4 Acclimatization147
  • 5.2.5. Daytime ventilation147-148
  • 5.2.6 China's Goal of Sustainable Development in Energy148-149
  • 5.2.7 State-of-the-art technology for renewable energy in China149
  • 5.2.8 Helping Both The Economy And The Environment Of China149-150
  • 5.2.9 The Energy Dilemma And Sustainable Answers For China150
  • 5.3.0 Energy and Safety in China150-152
  • 5.3.1 Technical Opportunity152-153
  • 5.3.2 Role of the consumers153-154
  • 5.3.3 Suggested Policies to Drive Adoption of Sustainable Buildings154-155
  • 5.3.4 Passive and low energy cooling systems155
  • 5.3.5 Nocturnal Ventilation155-156
  • 5.3.6 Direct and Indirect Evaporative Cooling156
  • 5.4.0 Approach to Design156-157
  • 5.4.1 Design Strategies157
  • 5.4.2 Orientation157
  • 5.4.3 Ventilation157-158
  • 5.4.4 Insulation158
  • 5.4.5 Building Envelope158-159
  • 5.4.6 Heating Strategies159-162
  • Solar collection159-160
  • Heat storage160
  • Heat conservation160-161
  • Heat distribution161
  • Great Wall Demonstration/Education Site161-162
  • 5.5.0 The Future Of China Sustainable Energy Development162-163
  • CHAPTER:6163-171
  • 6.0.0 Case Study 2: Ghana (West Africa)163
  • 6.1.0 Ghana Government's National Environmental Action Plan.163-164
  • 6.1.1 Ghana's Future Vision for the year 2020 Projects164-165
  • 6.1.2 Geographical Position Of Ghana165-166
  • 6.1.3 Ghana Part Of Solar And Wind Energy Survey166-167
  • 6.2.0 State Of Housing Delivery In Ghana167-168
  • 6.2.1 Global Village Concept on Solar Energy in Ghana168-171
  • 6.2.3 The State Of Renewable Energy Usage In Ghana.171
  • CHAPTER:7171-183
  • 7.0.0 The Authors Personal SuggesUons on the Applications Of Solar Photovoltaic Technology in Ghana.171
  • 7.1.0 Application to Commercial Buildings- Offices171-172
  • 7.1.1 Use Shopping Centres and Banks172
  • 7.1.2 Efficient use in Churches and other Social Gathering172-173
  • 7.1.3 Use in Communication Centres and Internet Cafe's.173
  • 7.1.4 Use in household, hospitals and Community Health Centres173
  • 7.1.5 Use for Powering Cold Stores and Street lighting173-174
  • 7.1.6 Use in Light Industrial Activities174
  • 7.2.0 Further suggesUons174
  • 7.2.1 Educational, Economic and Social Benefits174
  • 7.2.2 Environmental Benefits174-175
  • 7.2.3 Private Sector Participation175
  • 7.3.0 Policies to implement175
  • 7.3.1 Manpower Development and Funding175
  • 7.3.2 Removing Bureaucratic Obstacles and Public Involvement175
  • 7.4.0 Advantages to the Use of Solar Energy Technologies175-177
  • 7.5.0 Authors Personal Suggestions to encourage the increasing Use of Solar Energy Technologies177
  • 7.5.1 Governmental Bodies177-178
  • 7.5.2. By individuals178
  • 7.5.3. By Business and Industry178
  • 7.5.4 Low cost measures to adopt178-179
  • 7.5.5 Public Education and information Dissemination179-180
  • 7.6.0 Practical demonstration of Solar Power and its application For Three Communities in Ghana.180-181
  • 7.6.1 Disadvantages181-182
  • 7.7.0 Case Study 3: References From Other Ecological Cities in Germany, Australia, Britain, Canada, Japan, and Hong kong182-183
  • CHAPTER:8183-255
  • 8.0.0 International Energy- Efficiency Standards183-184
  • 8.1.0 Building Energy Management184-185
  • 8.1.1 Sample of Lighting Power Budget-Building Interior Lighting185
  • 8.1.2 Energy Efficiency185-186
  • 8.1.3 Comparism of Effective Energy Flux Density Wind and Solar Energy186-188
  • 8.2.0 Passive solar energy (Heating and Cooling).188-189
  • 8.2.1 Passive solar heating189-192
  • 8.2.2 Design of Passive Solar Heated Buildings192-196
  • General Recommendations for Design of Passive Solar Heated Buildings194-196
  • Applications:196
  • 8.2.3 Design objectives for providing high and low rise housing for Shanghai which meets social, environmental and economic sustainability criteria.196-216
  • Design Criteria196-197
  • Temperature and Humidity197-199
  • A Sample Design Of A Sustainable High.rise Building With Neighborhood Courtyards In Shanghai-Pudong.199
  • Shanghai and Pudong (Brief Introduction)199-200
  • Energy Strategy and Concept200-202
  • Design Process203-208
  • Simulation Results208-211
  • Conclusion211-216
  • 8.2.4 Characteristics And Benefits Of Passive Solar Heating Design216-217
  • 8.2.5 Passive Solar Heating of skin-load dominated structures in temperate and cold climates217-218
  • 8.2.6. Alternative Heat Exchangers218-221
  • 8.2.7 Passive Solar Cooling221
  • 8.2.8 General Design Principles221-222
  • 8.2.9 Passive Design Considerations222-223
  • 8.3.0 Heat Loss Through Windows223-224
  • 8.3.1 Floor Plan And Building Form224
  • 8.3.2 Specific Climate Design Principles-Hot Humid (Tropical) Climates224-225
  • 8.3.3 Hot Arid Climates (Mild And Cold Winter)225-226
  • 8.3.4 Sub-Tropical Climates226-228
  • 8.3.5a. Natural Cooling Sources228
  • 8.3.5b. Air Movement228
  • 8.3.6 Cooling Breezes228-229
  • 8.3.7 Convective Air Movement229
  • 8.3.8 Use of Fans to supplement breezes during still air periods229-230
  • 8.3.9 Evaporative Cooling230-231
  • 8.4.0 Orientation231-232
  • 8.4.1 Collector Orientation232-233
  • 8.4.2 Principles Of Good Orientation233-234
  • 8.4.3 Deciding The Best Orientation234-235
  • 8.4.4 Choosing a Site235-237
  • 8.4.5 Orientation For Passive Cooling237-238
  • 8.5.0 important Applications Of Passive Solar Design; an example in United States of America.238-239
  • 8.5.1 Solar Access and Area Calculations239-240
  • 8.5.2. Application of Passive Solar Building principles through Design240-241
  • 8.5.3 Sustainable Home Design241
  • 8.5.4 Glazing241-244
  • 8.5.5 Alternative Considerations for lowering Cost244-245
  • 8.5.6 Earth Coupling245-246
  • 8.5.7 Fixed Shading For Passive Solar Access246-249
  • 8.5.8 Adjustable Shading249
  • 8.6.0 Northern Elevations249
  • 8.6.1 Eastern & Westem Elevations249
  • 8.6.2 North-East & North-West Elevations249-250
  • 8.6.3 Hot Dry Clirnatic Design Guidelines250-251
  • 8.6.4 Cool Tempearte Climtaes Design Guidelines251
  • 8.6.5 Climates Specific Responses for Solar and Wind Energy combinations251
  • 8.7.0 Daylighting251-252
  • 8.7.1 How It Works252-254
  • 8.7.2 Advantages254-255
  • 8.7.3 Disadvantages255
  • CHAPTER:9255-268
  • 9.0.0 Through The Application Of (The Energy-10) Design Software Principles255-256
  • 9.1.0. How it Works256-257
  • 9.1.1 Predesign257
  • 9.1.2 Preliminary Design257-258
  • 9.1.3 Keeping a Record258-259
  • 9.1.4 Perspective259-260
  • 9.1.5 Automated Tasks260-262
  • 9.1.6 Graphic Output262-263
  • 9.1.7 Key ENERGY-10 Features263-265
  • 9.1.8 Simulation Analysis265-268
  • CHAPTER:10268-272
  • 10.0.0 By Means Of Installation Of Solar Equipments On Existing Buildings268
  • 10.1.1 Detail Description of Definitions And Installation Of Solar Panel268-269
  • 10.1.2 Step By Step Installation Of Solar P.V. Equipments269-272
  • CHAPTER:11272-284
  • 11.0.0 Wind Energy-Introduction272
  • 11.1.0 What Is Wind?272-275
  • 11.1.1 Some Characteristics Of Natural Wind275-276
  • 11.1.2 Causes Of Wind276-278
  • 11.2.0 Wind Energy-Energy from Moving Air278-279
  • 11.2.1 Geography and Wind279-280
  • 11.2.2 Surface Roughness: How To Calculate Wind Speed280-282
  • 12.2.3 Trees and Buildings282-283
  • 12.2.4 Vegetative Indicators of Wind283-284
  • CHAPTER:12284-297
  • 12.3.0 Measuring Wind284-285
  • 12.3.1 Who should take the measurements?285
  • 12.3.2 What should be measured?285
  • 12.3.3 What instruments should be used?285-287
  • 12.3.4 Where should measurements be taken?287
  • 12.3.5 For how long should measurements be taken?287
  • 12.3.6 Tips for Short Term Monitoring287-288
  • 12.3.7 How to Analyse Wind Data288-289
  • 12.4.0 Case Study in the United States289
  • 12.4.1 Case Study in Ghana. Ghana Wind Energy Project289-290
  • 12.4.2 Objectives290-292
  • 12.4.3 Major Case Study-The Energy Commission (EC) Of Ghana.292
  • 12.4.4 Identified Potential Areas for Wind Energy Production in Ghana292
  • 12.4.5 Purpose of the United Nation's Environment Project on Global Environment292
  • 12.4.6 Monthly Mean Wind Speed in Ghana292-293
  • 12.4.7 Main tasks of SWERA (Solar and Wind Energy Resources Assessment)293
  • 12.4.8 Achievements Under The SWERA Project293-294
  • 12.4.9 Wind power for your home294-295
  • 12.5.0 Brief Description Of A Wind Turbine295
  • 12.5.1 Types of Windmills295-296
  • 12.5.2 Wind Power Plants296-297
  • 12.5.3 Wind Resources297
  • CHAPTER:13297-315
  • 13.0.0 Wind Production297-299
  • 13.1.0 Wind Energy Economics299
  • 13.1.1 Wind And the Environment299
  • 13.2.0 The Wind Environment Of Buildings299
  • 13.2.1. Effect Of Wind on buildings-299-302
  • 13.2.2 The Experimental research on Wind Tunnel load Of Xiamen Jiageng gymnasium building surface and screened wall302
  • 13.2.3 Introduction302
  • 13.2.4 Physical Description Of the Structure of the Gymnasium Model302-305
  • 13.2.5 Environmental Criteria established from the Wind Tunnel Project Results305-309
  • 13.2.6 Conclusions and brief details from the Wind Tunnel Experiment309-311
  • 13.2.7 The Beaufort Wind Scale311-312
  • 13.2.7a Beaufort Scale Table: Specifications and equivalent speeds for use on land.311-312
  • 13.2.8 Environmental Aspects312
  • 13.2.9 Noise312-313
  • 13.3.0 Television and Radio Interference313
  • 13.3.1 Birds Interference313
  • 13.3.2 Visual effects313-314
  • 13.3.3 Integration into supply networks314-315
  • CHAPTER:14315-332
  • 14.1.0 Future Developments316
  • 14.1.1 COUNTRY NOTES316-332
  • 15.0.0 Ventilation Design Study and ConcePtual Diagarm:332
  • 15.1.0 Summer-Day,夏季-日332-333
  • 15.1.1 Summer-Night,夏季-夜333-334
  • 15.11.2 Summer-Day,冬季-日334-335
  • 15.1.3 Winter-Night,冬季-夜335-336
  • 15.1.4 Garden Plan,花圈平面图336-337
  • 15.1.5 First Floor Plan,一楼平面图337-338
  • 15.1.6 Second Floor Plan,二楼平面图338-339
  • 15.1.7 Third Floor Plan,三楼平面图339-340
  • 15.1.8 Section BB’,BB'剖面图340-341
  • 15.1.9 Section CC',CC'剖面图341-342
  • 15.2.0 Roof Plan,天台平面图342-343
  • 15.2.1 Passive Ventilation in Winter,冬季被动式通风343-344
  • CHAPTER:16344-360
  • 16.0.0 REFERENCES344-348
  • 16.1.0 List of Figures348-350
  • 16.1.1 List of Diagrams350-356
  • 16.1.2 List of Tables356
  • 16.1.3 List of Plates356-358
  • 16.1.4 List of Illustrations (Pictures)358-360


试论中国黄土地带节约能源的地下居民点——《现代穴居——地下、半地下城镇创作》研究提要    杨鸿勋

被动式太阳房设计的实践与看法    王瑞华 ,王玉生

史前时代居住建筑形式中的原始时空观念    张玉坤,李贺楠

中国古代农村聚落区域分布与形态变迁规律性研究    李贺楠

鄂南传统民居的建筑空间解析与居住文化研究    董黎

寒冷地区农村住宅的被动太阳能设计建造    田卓勋

敦煌荒漠化地区建筑形态的再发展    戚欢月

荆楚建筑图形文化研究    欧阳代明

西北民居中的生态策略及其当代应用    原萌

山西夏县东下冯遗址东区、中区发掘简报    徐殿魁;王晓田;戴尊德;

太阳能异步发电系统的研究    杨顺昌

德国最大太阳能电池厂投产    德兴


巧妙利用太阳能的住宅    李有观;

太阳能电池阳光普照    袁茵;

采集太阳能(下)——基础化学推进新型低成本太阳能电池的开发    高彤;

哈博公司250兆瓦太阳能光伏项目落户浙江嘉兴    王碧辉;卢影;


太阳能应用 政府主导最重要    黄韬;

PVDF树脂在太阳能电池模组背板上的应用    吴君毅;

太阳能电池输出特性的分析及检测    张海波;

太阳能电池表面纳米微结构研究    李美成;

有机染料锚数对染料敏化太阳能电池性能的影响    尚会霞;罗艳红;孟庆波;占肖卫;

量子点敏化太阳能电池--新材料的设计、制备及器件研究    李冬梅;罗艳红;孟庆波;

量子点敏化太阳能电池研究进展    刘铭;杨君友;冯双龙;朱虎;

高效染料钠晶TiO_2太阳能电池    黄昀昉;吴季怀;林建明;黄妙良;

太阳能电池应用    孟昭渊;

富铟与富铜CuInSe_2薄膜的光电性能    王信春;

谈太阳能路灯原理    胡昊伟;黄敏;

用于聚合物太阳能电池的高效共轭聚合物光伏材料    李永舫;

太阳能厂跨洋吸金 几家欢乐几家愁    黄女瑛 DigiTimes

太阳能电池级多晶硅光伏项目落户益阳    记者  郭云飞 通讯员  张世平

涉足太阳能光伏产业公司一览    詹铃

依靠太阳能的家庭    杨先碧

G风帆 太阳能电池新贵    天同证券 张锐

PE“新锐”王刚:太阳能行业的坚定支持派    本报记者 翁海华

行者集团利用太阳能获新突破    记者 张国伟

太阳能电池面临出口为主的尴尬    无暇

邱第明:中国最早太阳能企业的跌宕起伏    本报记者王颖春 采写

青海首条太阳能电池生产线投产    梁丽英

发展中国家建筑利用太阳能和风能技术的持续环境应用研究    Opoku George(乔治)

反型体异质结聚合物太阳能电池的研究    陶晨

有机/聚合物太阳能电池:活性层结构、形貌及光伏性能    薛丽丽

基于酞菁铜的太阳能电池的研究    刘一婷

反型聚合物太阳能电池的研究    李福民

聚合物太阳能电池中光吸收增强效应的研究    李国龙

聚光多结太阳能电池的设计、制备及可靠性研究    宋明辉

半透明聚合物太阳能电池的研究    徐洋

光活性层掺杂及新型透明电极在聚合物太阳能电池中的应用研究    章文峰

喷涂法制备聚合物太阳能电池器件研究    陈征

基于太阳能的嵌入式路灯控制系统的研究与应用    刘春

利用不同阴极缓冲层改善有机小分子Pentacene/C_(60)太阳能电池的性能    刘瑞

用电化学阻抗谱研究染料敏化太阳能电池的电子传输与复合特性    和川

三芳基咪唑的富勒烯衍生物的合成及其在CdSe量子点太阳能电池的应用    赵爱婷

太阳能电池CuInS_2薄膜和ZnS薄膜的制备与性能研究    张兴良

CuO薄膜的制备及其光伏特性研究    张春萍

SCNTs和PPDIF应用于聚合物太阳能电池中的研究    白静璐

敏化太阳能电池中染料的合成研究    徐丹

含噻吩和噻唑基元的共轭聚合物的合成和光伏性能研究    国霞

太阳能电池聚合物材料及DNA大分子的分子模拟    马艳红
