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第六部分 公共设施自动化与信息化 利用潮汐资料对市政污水泵站節能之研究

时间:2024-08-20 12:27:30

第六部分 公共设施自动化与信息化 利用潮汐资料对市政污水泵站節能之研究【摘要】:正 According to sewage flow data, the sewage leve

【摘要】:正 According to sewage flow data, the sewage level is usually very high during the daytime in some of the municipal sewage stations every day. The duration of the high sewage level is usually over 2 hours. The control strategy for these sewage stations are conventional level control. To prevent flooding of sewage, the sewage well of the station is opened to the sea. based on observations, the high sewage level is sometimes due to the high tide and because of that, all the sewage pumps will be turned on since the control strategy is based on the sewage level. Therefore, instead of pumping sewage to the water treatment plant, the station is, in fact, pumping sea water and, hence, energy is wasted. Therefore, the tide information is added into the control strategy in this study. The high level interval is predicted and determined according to the tide information. If the level is maintained over five minutes in the interval, the number of pumps operated will be reduced to two. After twenty minutes, the pump control logic returns to the original level control. Within the 10 hours limit, the five minutes checking and twenty minutes pump reduction cycle is kept repeating. Compare to the conventional level control method, approximately 60% reduction of power consumption is observed during the high tide hours since half of the pumps will not be operated in this period. Because of that, the flow pumped to the downstream station will reduce significantly. From estimation, the energy consumption of the downstream sewage station is expected to have an 8% reduction in energy consumption because of the reduction of flow rate. 【作者单位】:Department of Electromechanical Engineering,Faculty of Science and Technology,University of Macau Institute for the Development and Quality,Macau
【正文快照】: 1 .IntrodUCtion2 .Analysis of the high sewage level In Maeau peninsula,nine munieiral sew铭e pumpstations are used in colleeting rlle sew铭e from streets,residential areas and industrial parks.The sewage 15transferred from the;nuth to the water treatment


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