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时间:2024-08-18 22:19:40

IPoverWDM光网络中基于滑动调度业务模型的节能业务量疏导算法研究(英文)【摘要】:In this paper,we investigate on the problem of

【摘要】:In this paper,we investigate on the problem of energy-efficient traffic grooming under sliding scheduled traffic model for IP over WDM optical networks,so as to minimize the total energy consumption of the core network.We present a two-layer auxiliary graph model and propose a new energyefficient traffic grooming heuristic named Two-Dimension Green Traffic Grooming(TDGTG) algorithm,which takes both space and time factors into consideration for network energy efficiency.We compare our proposed TDGTG algorithm with the previous traffic grooming algorithms for scheduled traffic model in terms of total energy consumption and blocking probability.The simulation results in three typical carrier topologies show the efficiency of our proposed TDGTD algorithm. 【作者单位】: Key
【关键词】energy efficiency scheduled traffic model traffic grooming WDM
【基金】:supported by the National Basic Research Program of China("973 Program") under Grant 2013CB329103 National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) undergrant No.61201129 Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University
【正文快照】: I.INTRODUCTION As the Internet continues to grow with newapplication paradigms(e.g.,cloud computing[1],P2P[2],content distribution networks[3],etc.),network equipments with more switch-ing capacities,higher transmission rates andfaster computing speeds a


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