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时间:2024-08-18 22:16:39

在具有点到点通信的蜂窝网络中面向节能的分布式功率控制(英文)【摘要】:Device-to-Device(D2D) communication has been proposed a

【摘要】:Device-to-Device(D2D) communication has been proposed as a promising implementation of green communication to benefit the existed cellular network.In order to limit cross-tier interference while explore the gain of short-range communication,we devise a series of distributed power control(DPC) schemes for energy conservation(EC)and enhancement of radio resource utilization in the hybrid system.Firstly,a constrained opportunistic power control model is built up to take advantage of the interference avoidance methodology in the presence of service requirement and power constraint.Then,biasing scheme and admission control are added to evade ineffective power consumption and maintain the feasibility of the system.Upon feasibility,a non-cooperative game is further formulated to exploit the profit in EC with minor influence on spectral efficiency(SE).The convergence of the DPC schemes is validated and their performance is confirmed via simulation results. 【作者单位】: School
【关键词】Device-to-Device communication distributed power control energy conservation interference avoidance biasing scheme admission control non-cooperative game
【基金】:supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.61372092) National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863 Program)(2014AA01A701)and (2014AA01A707)
【正文快照】: Ⅰ.INTRODUCTION With the popularity of smart user equipment (UE)and the explosion of high-speed Inter- net applications,people are raising enormous demand on radio access network in terms of system capacity and quality of service(QoS). Due to the batter


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