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时间:2024-08-18 19:11:19

0℃以下含SDS的甲烷水合物生成方式及过程对其分解速率的影响(英文)【摘要】:The dissociation rates of methane hydrates formed w

【摘要】:The dissociation rates of methane hydrates formed with and without the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate(methane-SDS hydrates),were measured under atmospheric pressure and temperatures below ice point to investigate the influence of the hydrate production conditions and manners upon its dissociation kinetic behavior.The experimental results demonstrated that the dissociation rate of methane hydrate below ice point is strongly dependent on the manners of hydrate formation and processing.The dissociation rate of hydrate formed quiescently was lower than that of hydrate formed with stirring;the dissociation rate of hydrate formed at lower pressure was higher than that of hydrate formed at higher pressure;the compaction of hydrate after its formation lowered its stability,i.e.,increased its dissociation rate.The stability of hydrate could be increased by prolonging the time period for which hydrate was held at formation temperature and pressure before it was cooled down,or by prolonging the time period for which hydrate was held at dissociation temperature and formation pressure before it was depressurized to atmospheric pressure.It was found that the dissociation rate of methane hydrate varied with the temperature(ranging from 245.2 to 272.2 K) anomalously as reported on the dissociation of methane hydrate without the presence of surfactant as kinetic promoter.The dissociation rate at 268 K was found to be the lowest when the manners and conditions at which hydrates were formed and processed were fixed. 【作者单位】: State
【关键词】甲烷水合物 生成方式 分解速率 过程
【基金】:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (20506016,20676145,U0633003) the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (2006AA09A208) Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of the State Ministry of Education (NCET-07-0842) the Foundation for the Authors of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of the People's Republic of China(200447)
【正文快照】: 1 INTRODUCTION Gas hydrates are crystalline compounds formed from water and small gas molecules. There are three known hydrate structures: structure I, structure II, and structure H [1-4]. Gas hydrate has been considered as a trouble because its formatio


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